Your donation can help keep Aboriginal languages and culture alive and healthy by making a donation today.
Donating to our granting program will amplify the impact of your contribution, ensuring that it supports organisations that we know are competent and effective in the language and cultural work they undertake. Please contact our Project Officer if you would like to discuss making a donation or supporting the Bequest in other ways.
You can donate to this valuable work via:
1. Cheque or money order
Make your cheque or money order payable to The Wyemando Bequest and post to:
Locked Bag 5
Bayswater WA 6933
Please include your name and address so we can send you a receipt and letter of thanks.
2. Bank transfer
Transfer your donation using the following details:
Account: Wyemando Bequest Inc
BSB: 016-255
Account: 480182084
Description: supply your full name
Please send us details of your transaction by email or fax to +61 8 9271 1944, providing your name and address so we can send you a receipt and letter of thanks.