Other Cultural Work & Organisations
Cultural Projects
The Canning Stock Route Project
Clifford Brooks, 2007. Canning Stock Route Project.
Initiated in 2006, Ngurra Kuju Walyja — One Country One People — The Canning Stock Route Project is a collaborative art project celebrating the Aboriginal cultural heritage around the 2000 km long Canning Stock Route, which traverses Western Australia’s Great Sandy Desert, Little Sandy and Gibson Desserts. Using return to country trips and community workshops, creative professional development programs, a national touring exhibition, a multimedia suite and publications, it has resulted in the Mira on-line cultural repository, providing culturally appropriate access to a vast quantity of previously unrecorded knowledge. www.canningstockrouteproject.com
Kaartdijin Noongar
Kaartdijin Noongar (Noongar Knowledge) was developed by the South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council, to share Noongar history and culture with the Noongar community and the wider world. SWALSC says “This is the opportunity for Noongar people to tell our story our way.” The site has two sections: one for general public and one with restricted access where photos, stories and other information can be uploaded and shared with a family, a claim group, men or women, and shared as is culturally appropriate. www.noongarculture.org.au
Madjulla Inc
Madjulla Inc supports the efforts of Nyikina people from the Fitzroy River to preserve and maintain their unique language and culture, as well as their social and cultural wellbeing. www.majala.com.au
Ngaarda Media
Ngaarda Media is a community based Radio / Television organisation, broadcasting to Roebourne and Karratha. Ngaarda Media also produces short films, documentaries of Yindjibarndi culture, language and history. ngaardamedia.wix.com/ngaarda-media
NG Media
“NG Media is where the gap between cultures is filled with stories and shared across the nation.” Based in the remote Western Desert, NG Media celebrates music, language and culture by capturing the stories, adventure, sounds and sights of the Ngaanyatjarra Lands using music, film, television and radio (view NG’s Showreel). NG Media’s vision is to empower Yarnangu to create and share their own stories through multi media. ngmedia.org.au
Yijala Yala Project
Yijala Yala Project is a long-term, multi-platform arts project based in Ieramugadu (Roebourne), focused on telling the story of the community’s culture, history and future in a range of media: theatre, film, games, iPad applications and music. Through arts and digital media skill development and content creation, it explores the inter-connection between past, present and future, young people and older generations, ancient and modern culture and how critical they all are to the heritage of the ‘now’. View project videos here. www.yijalayala.bighart.org
Yiriman Project
The Yiriman Project is an intergenerational, “on-Country” cultural program, conceived and developed directly by Elders from four Kimberly language groups- Nyikina, Mangala, Karajarri and Walmajarri- and whose aim is to “build stories in young people”. Established in 2000 and initially implemented in Jarlmadangah Burru Aboriginal Community, the program is currently based out of Fitzroy Crossing, Western Australia. www.yiriman.org.au
Aboriginal Corporations & Native Title Representative Bodies
Goldfields Land and Sea Council
The Goldfields Land and Sea Council (GLSC) is the principal voice for Aboriginal people from the Goldfields-Esperance region on matters to do with land and waters, governance, social and economic development, heritage and other matters of justice. The GLSC is the Federal Government-appointed Native Title Representative Body for the region, enjoying widespread support from communities, organisations and individuals from throughout. www.glsc.com.au
South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council
The South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council is the native title representative body of the Noongar people, traditional owners of the south west of Australia. SWALSC works with members to progress resolution of the Noongar native title claims, while also advancing and strengthening Noongar culture, language, heritage and society. www.noongar.org.au
Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation
Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation (Jamukurnu-Yapalikunu/WDLAC) is the Prescribed Body Corporate for the Martu People of the Central Western Desert region in Western Australia. On behalf of Martu People, WDLAC hold native title rights and interests, including the right to exclusive use, occupation and possession, which includes the right to control access, of 136,000 square kilometres of land within the Central Western Desert region. WDLAC is extensively involved in numerous projects for the cultural, social and economic benefit of the current and future generations of Martu. www.wdlac.com.au
Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation
As the native title representative body for the Yamatji and Pilbara regions of WA, YMAC is a not-for-profit Aboriginal corporation. YMAC is run by an Aboriginal Board of Directors and Regional Committees chosen by members. Membership is open to all adult Yamatji and Marlpa people. ymac.org.au
Nyamba Buru Yawuru Ltd (NBY)
Nyamba Buru Yawuru Ltd (NBY) was established following determination of native title rights, to hold land, develop income and deliver social programs for the benefit of the Yaruwu community, traditional owners of the lands and waters in and around Rubibi (the town of Broome). NBY’s role includes: supporting Yawuru decision making, managing Yawuru Country, providing a range of programs and services to assist and strengthen our community, property development, Yawuru language services, managing third party development applications on Yawuru Country, communications, financial management, investment and commercial development and community and individual capacity building. www.yawuru.com
Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation
The Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation is the legally appointed representative of the Yindjibarndi people and on their behalf negotiates access to Yindjibarndi country by commercial interests. YAC has three prongs: culture, community and commercial. The culture section conducts heritage surveys, increasing knowledge of country, as well as documenting the stories of elders elders, collecting video interviews, mapping locations and collecting information about culturally significant objects and places. yindjibarndi.org.au
Other organisations and websites
Batchelor Press
Batchelor Press is the publishing arm of Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education, Northern Territory, Australia. The teaching and learning resources developed at Batchelor Institute are produced primarily for Indigenous Australian students living in remote communities. Many of these resources focus on the transmittal of Aboriginal languages. batchelorpress.com